Jāme’ah Riyādul ‘Uloom (JRU) is an independent educational institute for higher Islamic education. It was established in 1998 by the Islamic Da‘wah Academy in order to create proficient and motivated individuals to meet the spiritual and religious needs of today’s Muslim communities throughout the world.
Students enter at 16+ and pursue either the Tahfizul-Qur’ān Course, the ‘Ālimiyyah Course, the Qirā‘ah Specialisation Course or an appropriate combined study route. JRU is a single-sex all male college with its own halls of residence.
Over the years, JRU has developed a well earned reputation for excellence. Along with high academic standards, JRU aims to develop a high level of moral and spiritual perfection in its students. It is knowledge along with a sense of god-consciousness, humility, compassion and tolerance that goes to make individuals who will truly serve Islam and the community.
Graduates from JRU have gone on to meet the challenges of modern day Muslim communities, from setting up da‘wah institutes of their own, to serving as imams, teachers in supplementary evening classes, school teachers and chaplains.
Browse through our website to find out more about JRU, its ethos, curriculum and facilities…
Islamic Da‘wah Academy

The Islamic Da‘wah Academy is the parent organisation under which JRU runs. It is a registered charity, founded in 1991 by the well known and respected Islamic scholar Shaykh Mawlānā Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullāh. Its aims are to assist present and future generations of Muslims to preserve and safeguard Islam in their lives, to facilitate a greater understanding and awareness of the teachings of Islam and to educate people from all walks of life, especially young Muslims, in all aspects of their spiritual and religious development.
The Academy provides a multitude of services to achieve these aims and to cater for the diverse and unique needs of Muslims living in the west. Weekly, monthly and annual lecture programmes, for males and females; publications; advice and guidance and an informative website are all ways in which the Academy currently serves the public.

Throughout the years, the Academy has targeted its activities primarily at the Muslim youth, who traditionally lacked access to Islamic services. Via its various schemes the Academy continues to strive to help new generations of Muslims channel their energies and capabilities appropriately, enabling young people to become assets for society as a whole.
In order to produce individuals equipped with the skills and expertise to deliver these services locally, in other areas of the country and abroad, the Academy understands the need for proper education and training. That is where JRU comes in!
JRU serves as a learning centre where academic excellence along with a strong emphasis on spiritual and moral development and public service contribute to produce capable individuals motivated to advance the aims of the Academy in their own localities.